Original Article

Evaluation of Binding Effect of Gleditsia Triacanthos Galactomannan in Tablets

  • Melike ÜNER

Received Date: 07.04.2005 Accepted Date: 04.07.2005 Turk J Pharm Sci 2005;2(2):93-103

Abstract Binding effect of Gleditsia triacanthos Linn. (honey locust) endosperm containing galactomannan was investigated in the tablets prepared by direct compression method. For this aim, ground honey locust endosperm (GHLE) was obtained in 0.300 mm - 0.420 mm particle size. Polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30 (PVP) and dibasic calcium phosphate anhydrous (DCP) were chosen as commonly used binders for comparison. The tablets without active agent were prepared by using GHLE, PVP and DCP at various concentrations (1, 2.5 and 5 (w/w) %) and physical tests were performed on these tablets and their powder mixtures. According to the data, the best formulation was established by considering the other additives (i.e. lubricants and disintegrants) and their concentrations which would impart in desirable tablet formation. Model tablets containing ranitidine hydrochloride were then compressed. On these tablets and their powder mixtures, the same physical tests were carried out. The tablets obtained were found to meet the reported requirements. It was also found that the results of dissolution study met the requirement for ranitidine hydrochloride tablets reported in USP 27 as not less than 80 % of the labeled amount of ranitidine hydrochloride should be dissolved in 45 minutes. The results indicate that honey locust galactomannan as a binder is as effective as PVP and DCP. Özet Galaktomannan içeren Gleditsia triacanthos Linn. (yabani keçiboynuzu) endospermasinin dogrudan basim yöntemi ile basilan tabletlerde baglayici etkisi arastirildi. Bu amaçla 0.300 mm - 0.420 mm partikül büyüklügünde ögütülmüs yabani keçiboynuzu endospermasi (GHLE) elde edildi. Yaygin olarak kullanilan polivinilpirolidon K-30 (PVP) ve susuz dibazik kalsiyum fosfat (DCP) mukayese için seçildi. Degisik konsantrasyonlarda (% 1, 2.5 ve 5(a/a)) GHLE, PVP ve DCP kullanilanilarak etken madde içermeyen tabletler hazirlandi, bu tabletler ve toz karisimlarinda fiziksel testler yapildi. Verilere göre arzusanan tablet olusumunda rol oynayan diger katki maddeleri (kaydiricilar ve dagiticilar) ve konsantrasyonlari da dikkate alinarak en iyi formülasyon olusturuldu. Ranitidin hidroklorür içeren model tabletler basildi. Bu tabletler ve toz karisimlari üzerinde de ayni fiziksel testler yapildi. Elde edilen verilen daha önce bildirilen kriterlere uydugu tespit edildi. Dissolüsyon çalismasinin sonuçlarinin da ranitidin hidroklorür tabletler için Amerikan Farmakopesi 27`de rapor edilen ranitidin hidroklorürün bildirilen miktarinin % 80`inden daha az olmamak kosuluyla 45 dakika içerisinde çözünmesi sartina uydugu bulundu. Sonuçlar bir baglayici olarak yabani keçiboynuzu galaktomannaninin PVP ve DCP kadar etkin oldugunu göstermektedir.

Keywords: Gleditsia triacanthos, Honey locust, Galactomannan, Ranitidine hydrochloride, Tablets, Tablet binder