Original Article


  • Özlen GÜZEL
  • Aydin SALMAN

Received Date: 26.04.2006 Accepted Date: 19.12.2006 Turk J Pharm Sci 2007;4(1):31-390

Abstract A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of each dapsone and metoclopramide HCl alone in two different tablet preparations is described. The reactions were completed at room temperature within 9 and 20 minutes, respectively. Maximum absorbances for the reaction products were observed at 548 nm (dapsone) and 553 nm (metoclopramide HCl). Beer’s law was obeyed over the concentration range of 4-12 μg/mL for dapson and 4-24 μg/mL for metoclopramide HCl. The molar absorptivity, Sandell sensitivity detection and quantification limits were also determined. The results of the methods were in good agreement with those obtained by reference methods cited in the literature. It was observed that the proposed method became suitable for quality control and routine analyses of tablets containing dapsone or metoclopramide HCl. Özet Iki farkli tablet preparatindaki dapson ve metoklopramid HCl’in tayini için yeni bir metod verilmektedir. Reaksiyonlar oda sicakliginda sirasiyla 9 ve 20 dakikada tamamlanmaktadir. Reaksiyon ürünlerinin maksimum absorbanslari 548 nm (dapson) ve 553 nm (metoklopramid HCl) de gözlenmistir. Dapson için 4-12 μg/mL ve metoklopramid HCl için 4-24 μg/mL konsantrasyon araliklarinda Beer kanunu geçerlidir. Molar absorptivite, Sandell duyarlilik tayini ve miktar tayini sinirlari saptanmistir. Bu metodlarin sonuçlari, literatürde bildirilen metodlarin sonuçlari ile uygunluk göstermektedir. Bildirilen metodun dapson veya metoklopramid HCl içeren tabletlerin kalite kontrol ve rutin analizleri için uygun oldugu görülmüstür.

Keywords: Dapsone, Metoclopramide HCl, p-Dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde, Spectrophotometric determination