The antibacterial activity of the methanol extract of Plumbago indica (Plumbaginaceae) was evaluated against ele-ven pathogenic bacteria by the dise diffusion method using ciprofloxacin as a Standard. In the screening, the met-hanol extract of the plant showed varying degrees of antibacterial activity with zone of inhibition ranging from 7.0-25.0 mm. The highest antibacterial activity was seen against with Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella tvphi and Sal-monella paratyphi. The Minimum Inliibitory Concentrations (MIC) of the methanol extract of P. indica were found to be 31.25-125 |xg/mL for bacteria species used in the screening.
Plumbago indica, Plmnbaginaceae, Antibacterial activity, Methanol extract, Ciprofloxacin.