The crude ethanolic leaf extract of Tiliacora acuminata (ETL) (Lam.) Miers (Menispermaceae) w as evaluated for its antinociceptive and antidiarrhoeal activities. The antinociceptive activity of ETL w as evaluated using mice model on acetic acid induced vvrithing response and rat models for antidiarrhoeal activities like the castor oil and magnesium sulfate induced diarrhea, enteropooling induced by the administration of castor oil and magnesium sulfate. At the dose of250 and 500 mg/kg, the extract shovved a signifıcant (P<0.001) and dose dependent reduction in the number of vvrithing episodes compared to the control. The ETL shovved a signifıcant protection (P<0.001) against experimentally induced diarrhoea by castor oil and magnesium sulfate, as evidenced by a decrease in the number of frequency, vveight of stools vvith respect to control. The enteropooling induced by castor oil and magnesium sulfate w as also prevented by ali the tested doses. Acute toxicity test shovved that the plant might be safe for pharmacological uses. The obtained results confırm the antinociceptive and antidiarrhoeal activity of ETL, thus provide the scientifıc basis for the traditional uses of this plant as the modality for pain and diarrhea.