The crude methanolic extract of the frııits of Melocanna baccifera (Roxb.) Kıırz and its different organic soluble Kupchan fraetions were sereened for antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties. The antioxidant effect was measured by 1,1 -diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay and by the deternıination of total phenolic content (TPC). The polvphenol content w as assessed colorimetrically ıısing Folin-Ciocalteau method and expressed as gallic acid equivalent. Evaluation of antimicrobial and cytotoxic property w as performed by ıısing the disc diffusion method and brine shrimp lethality bioassay, respeetively. The highest total phenolic was found in the aqueous soluble fraetion (142.8 mg of GAE/g of dried extract) demonstrating the signifıcant antioxidant potentials. İn DPPH assay for free radical scavenging property, the aqueous soluble fraetion of Irııit of M. baccifera exhibited signifıcant antioxidant activitv with the 1C50 valııe of 28.5 jUg/mL as compared to 23.50 jUg/mL revealed by Standard butylated hydroxvl tolııene. İn brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the crude methanol extract exhibited nıoderate cytotoxic activitv having LCİ0 value 34.47 pg/mL as compared to vineristine sulphate (LC50 5.31 pg/mL). İn antimicrobial sereening, the average zone of inhibition produced by the crude methanol extract and the dichloromethane soluble fraetion were found to be 7.0-12.0 and 7.4-12.2 mm, respeetively at a concentration of 400 fJg/disc. A positive correlation was obsemed between total phenolic content and free radical scavenging activitv having correlation coefficient (R~)of 0.80. These results suggested that M. baccifera coııld be considered as a soıırce of bioactive secondarv metabolites having antioxidant properties and effective proteetion from free radicals.