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December 2021


Turk J Pharm Sci 2021;18(6):0-0
No information available.
No information available

In the last two years, the transition from E-SCI to SCI-E for Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ has been achieved in a rapid way with an increasing acceleration. During this transition process, I as a Chief-Editor, and the Editors Prof. Samiye Yabanoğlu Çiftçi and Prof. Pınar Erkekoğlu have joined the national and international Editorial meetings which are held by Galenos and the other publishers. I must admit that we are on the right track for SCI-E, but not completed our journey yet. In the six volumes of 2020 and 2021, we published at most one letter to the editor or short research, at least 13 research articles, and a compilation paper. To avoid the accepted review papers waiting for too long to be published, we decided to publish 12 research articles and 2 compilations in 6 volumes during the year 2022. In each volume of TJPS, we try to publish articles that contain current topics and create excitement in the field of pharmaceutical sciences for readers. The articles that will be published are planned according to acceptance order. Referee and download status of the manuscripts are posted on our journal’s web site. To guide the authors, the statistics tab of our journal website, acceptance, rejection, and assessment durations of the candidate articles are shared with the authors. No articles without the Ethical permission could be shared in our journal. We appreciate Turkish Pharmacists Association that is continously supporting Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and made publishing possible.

In the sixth volume you are reading right now, I would like to thank to the academics who accepted to be reviewers and assessed the articles. The increase in the number of articles causes the need for multiple assessment by a reviewer and hence, endless thanks to all our reviewers including the Editors and the Editorial board. Lastly, I would like to congratulate all the Turkish and international authors whose articles have been published in the year 2020 and 2021.

I wish you all a happy and successful new year.