Atherosclerotic cardiovasciilar disease is the leading cause of morbiditv and mortality in patients receiving renal replacement therapv and the antioxidant defense svstem in patients with renal failure is deteriorated. In order to evaluate the oxidative stress of Cyclosporin /Tacrolimus treatment. The analvsis offattv acid composition and lipid peroxide levels of HDL and I feiiie oxygenase(HO) activity assavs \\ vere performed within the studv to evaluate oxidative stress in renal transplant recipients in this study. 18 renal transplantation patients treated with Cyclospo-rin(CsA,n=6) and Tacrolimus(FK506,n=12) were stiidied and monitored for 120 davs follorving transplantation. 12 healthv volimteers composed the control group.In ciirrent study fattv acid composition and lipid peroxide levels of HDL and Heme oxygenase activity of Ivmphocytes were measured. The levels of total cholesterol, tryglyceride, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol \\vere also estimated.