The urinary tract infection (UTI) is the second most common community acquired infection following the upper respiratory tract infections. In this study 160 subjects aged between 18-65 years with the diagnosis of acute cysytitis between 2005-2006 were involved and the objective was to determine the true cost of trimethoprim-sulphamethaxasol and fluoroquinolone group therapies that were given according to “Turkish Ministry of Health Diagnosis and Therapy Guideline”. The aim of this study was to analyse the pharmacoeconomic aspect of the therapies that are proved to be effective, rather than their clinical effectiveness. The improvement rate ofpatients was 81.9 % at the end of the third day. The disapperance of symptoms in patients threated with ciprofloxacin, urociproxin, chemoprim forte and bactrim forte were 77.5 %, 72.5 %, 87.5 % and 90.0 % respectively. The side effects were noted in 10 % of patients involved in the study, Candida vaginitis and allergy as being the most common ones. Therefore factors increasing cost and additional therapy costs become current issue. When the incremental cost effectiveness was calculated at the end of three day therapy, it is observed that the cost of urociproxin® is higher than the others. Pharmacoeconomic analysis models specific for our country should be developed, the diagnosis and therapy guidelines should be updated and statistical data should be well preserved, pharmacoeconomic studies of a drug should be performed before the drug will be involved in reimbursement system.