The aim of this stııdy is to investigate the effects of sun dried organic apricot (SDOA) (Prımııs armeniaca L.) sııpplementation on the dailv food consumption of rats. İn this studv, 120 metle and 120 female Sprague Dcnvlev rats \vere ıtsed. They were groııped as 24 rat per groııp of female and male rats. Group 1 (controlfvas fed up mjth standart rat chow, groııp 2; 1%, groııp 3; 2.5%, groııp 4; 5% and groııp 5 \vere fed up with 10% SDOA supplemented chow throughout 16 days. At the beginning of the studv the bodv weight of the male rats \vas measured as 321±24.6 g (n=120), and the bodv weight of the female rats \vas 210±21.4 g (n=120). The dailv avarage normal food intake of control groııp of male and female rats were deternıined as 2 4± 1.9 g/rat/day and 16±1.1 g/rat/day respeetively. Consequently, it can be confıdently said that in the ratio of 2.5% ve 5% sııpplementation of SDOA food on the male rats, 10% sııplementation on the female rats have a signifıcant positive effect in their dailv food consumption.