In this stııdv, local names, medicinal ıısage and methods of administration of 64 wildplant taxa belonging to 32 families in the soııth part of İzmit, which is the centre coımty of Kocaeli, are documented. The information for these plants, sııch as local names, their ıısages, used parts, methods of preparation, administration dosage and duration of treatments have been recorded. Dııring the field studies informations were recorded and materials collected in the area sun’eved with local people. Ali the settlements were visited (9 mımicipalities and 15 villages) mhich are in the stııdv area. Collected plant specimens were identifıed and prepared voucher specimens were kept in the Herbariımı of İstanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy (İSTE).
Medicinal plants, Izmit, Turkey.